Plug In Your Loyalty Program And Share The Rewards

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Loyalty Rewards Programs have become critical in today's market as consumers are bombarded with opportunities to save money by getting deeper discounts. Some companies are even sending customers a check for their loyalty and continuous business. Loyalty Programs are not just for big businesses. Your small business can enjoy the benefits the Loyalty Rewards Programs brings with your customers to increase your base of customers for the long haul. Consider these important points about a Loyalty Rewards Program for your business.

A Loyalty Rewards Program That Works

Build your business on a platform of outstanding service and a relationship with your customers, and they will keep coming back. A loyalty rewards program takes transactions and extends them to become relationships.

If you have a process and the right equipment signing up customers and building long lasting relationships with them is easy. The stand-alone card-less digital program from Echo Daily brings sales and loyal customers.

The Business Builder from Echo Daily gives you simple to use sign up with a stand-alone tablet terminal.

You can also set up campaigns in minutes to grab the curious consumers outside. Build your database and then drive sales. Target your messaging to loyalty rewards customers with the things they will want at the time they want them.

Your database of customers gives you a handle to develop future sales. Lists that include loyal customer and interested prospects are some of the most valuable tools that you can possess.

Business Builder Digital Loyalty Program

The best time to build engagement is right at the point where you already have it. Ask customers to join your loyalty rewards program at the point of purchase. Make it easy for them to sign up with an easy-to-use iPad screen that leads them through the process. Next time they return, they can check-in to earn rewards.

Each time your customers make purchases they reveal valuable information. It is a collection of many data points that add up to the big picture of your market. Every item of data that you can gather says something about the characteristics of your marketplace.

A customer’s data reveal what they bought, the time of day; even clues about what motivated the purchase. That data gives you contact information and details of the customer’s buying habits. Additionally, you acquire permission to continuously market to them via text message, email, and to a mobile app. These digital notes bring them back with enticements and offers of further rewards.

Drive Sales and Loyalty With Promotions

Create promotions that drive sales and capture data to expand your contact lists in two different contexts.

Grab promotions

Create outside campaigns by promoting keywords in your advertising media. Use grab promotions by posting the code widely with a headline and call to action.The respondents become new contacts for your database. These are potential new loyalty members to bring into your rewards program. Bring these new customers into your business for increased sales and give the experiences that keep them coming back.

Targeted promotions 

The members of your loyalty rewards program are waiting to hear from you. These happy customers appreciate offers and rewards; they have proven their willingness to visit and purchase at your restaurant, service or store.

Targeted promotions are the perfect channel to send special offers and thank your loyal customers.  You can segment your database to give list members the rewards they want. Targeting might focus on previous rewards redeemed, last visit, purchase frequency or some other appropriate.

These are smart offers directed to targeted customers sent directly to them via Text email and push to mobile app

The Starting Point For Loyalty

Mobile devices are ubiquitous, so email, SMS text messaging, and mobile apps give you exceptional channels to contact and engage with your customers assuming you have tools to do it. The business builder program from Echo Daily leverages these platforms, engages more customers and finds the points where you can make more sales.

The SMS messages that you send to customers get read, with a near certainty, and fast, with 90% of recipients opening your messages within three minutes of receiving them. This multi-channel approach requires that you have just enough information to push out to the customer on their mobile device.

Build your business around service and a relationship with your customers, and they’ll keep coming back.

Of all the possible data management tools the most important and useful ones are those that strengthen your relationship with customers. It’s no longer enough to rely on transactions at the point of sale as the way to engage consumers; your choice of POS solution determines your capacity for success.

Your business needs to maximize sales, and your customers want to feel appreciated. Create a fantastic service experience for your customers with a loyalty rewards program from Echo Daily.