Introducing The Merchant Advocate Program from Echo Daily

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Echo Daily has rolled out a new payment service program called Merchant Advocate Program or MAP. The new program is one of the simplest, yet most game changing ones that we have offered to date.

Combined with point-of-sale equipment and support from Echo Daily, MAP empowers local retailers, restaurants, and service pros like you. Your small business will be more competitive, by eliminating credit card transaction cost than ever before.

Merchant Advocacy Program Benefits to Local Retailers And Service Pros

Recent changes in credit card processing regulations and case law can help small retail businesses and service professionals like you cut the cost of credit card transactions. MAP from Echo Daily is here to help you eliminate fees and get the most benefit from this new payment model.

Here are some of the benefits you can gain by taking advantage of the new program:

·       We help you eliminate credit card fees to improve your business success, even in the most competitive local markets.

·       Our MAP program will help you create a more reliable budget.

·       Now you will be able to encourage customers to pay cash, which means reducing losses to fraud, cybercriminals, or unexpected chargebacks.

The most significant benefit is that MAP from Echo Daily gives you more control over your business costs. In the past, merchants like you were forced to pay the fees, but now it is the cardholders that pay the fee with MAP. So you can pass the savings on to cash customers as discounts.

What Is Different About MAP?

Traditionally, the credit card industry has held power to dictate terms. Big box retailers and other large corporations always had the muscle to negotiate better rates, but small businesses had to take what they could get. Traditional Merchant Services Providers have always taken a larger slice of your income when you can afford it least.

As part of our service, Echo Daily provides the advocacy to help you get the most from your point-of-sale equipment and stay in compliance with the new regulations. Our mission is to advocate for both businesses and their sales partners; we help you eliminate the fees that drain your revenue.

New Rules Mean New Opportunities

The old status quo helped the credit card companies and the banks that issued cards. Unfortunately, it forced retailers to treat the cost as an overhead rather than a sales cost. The situation has changed as a result of class action lawsuits and new rules.

It was the standard practice for many years for the credit card companies, card issuers, and merchant services providers to mandate that the fees they charged to merchants be included in the price of sales. Compliance with these rules was even written into law by eleven states; that has now changed.

The most noticeable difference now is that you can attribute the processing costs to the customers who incur them. MAP gives you flexibility and efficiency at the point of sale. It means you can assign the card-processing fees directly to the source of the cost. You can offer a discount for customers who pay cash while you remain in compliance with the regulations.

Eliminate Card Processing Fees With Echo Daily       

Echo Daily is a payment technology company. Our point of sale technology and advocacy will equip you with the tools and knowledge to build your book of business rapidly. Echo Daily provides these resources in the form of equipment, training, and support.

We include signage, the terminal, and marketing materials at the point-of-sale in return for a low fixed fee. We also help you get the most from the new regulations while you stay compliant. MAP gives you an exciting new opportunity that can help you boost your business profitability. It is one while serving your customers better than ever before.

To find out what the Merchant Advocacy Program can do for you call Echo Daily today!